Online Visitors keep coming back to my website…

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By: Dave Dee

The other day I overheard a story all too familiar…

A businessman was complaining that he’d spent thousands of dollars on his website, yet only 1% to 2% of prospects were actually responding.

Understandably the man wanted to know how to reach the other 98%.

It’s a pretty common problem…

Yet many business owners don’t even know they are “losing” 98% of the visitors to their site.

But here’s the thing. It doesn\’t have to be that way.

And, as a small business, if you set up your website right, you actually can do something that in the past was impossible to do:

You can compete against big business.

Because on the web you have the same amount of real estate space as the “big boys.” Think about it…your web page is the same size as the next guy’s, no matter how big a company they are.

Today I’ll give you six tips for making your website reach more than the all-too-typical 1 to 2%:

Six easy tips to help your website convert better:

[av_toggle_container initial=\’0\’ mode=\’toggle\’ sort=\’\’]
[av_toggle title=\’Make it clear what you want people to do\’ tags=\’\’]
On every page you should make it clear what you want people to do. Do you want them to sign up for your newsletter? Get more information about your product? Contact you? Buy your product? Tell them exactly what you want them to do and you’ll improve your odds of them doing it.
[av_toggle title=\’Use the same language on your navigation buttons as you do in your copy\’ tags=\’\’]
For example, if you use “white paper” in your copy don’t use the word “report” on your navigation button.  This is confusing to readers and makes them think they are in the wrong place.
[av_toggle title=\’Use links in your copy to help people move to the next page\’ tags=\’\’]
When you reference a product, service, event, article, etc. found on your own website, be sure to link to it. This way you make it easy for your potential consumer to find what they are looking for without having to scroll or waste time searching for something.
[av_toggle title=\’Carefully choose what you actively promote on your home page\’ tags=\’\’]
When offering multiple products or services, don’t try to give equal space on your home page to everything you offer.  This is confusing and overwhelming.  Plus, by giving readers only a few choices, you are clear on what you want your customer to do.

For example, an appliance repair company might service a variety of types of appliances and brands of appliances. Rather than trying to list every single type of appliance from a washing machine to a dryer to a stove to a refrigerator to a dishwasher, etc. you might want to focus on the appliance most frequently repaired. Let’s say 65% of your repairs are to refrigerators and brings in the bulk of your income. By devoting more of your home page space on refrigerator repairs, it’s easier to instantly see you provide that service, raising your relevancy to that 65% who visits your website.
[av_toggle title=\’Use direct response copy\’ tags=\’\’]
Your website should have all the elements of good direct response copy. Don’t forget to use headlines, sub-heads, offers, proof, guarantees, etc. to sell your products and services.
[av_toggle title=\’Make your copy front and center\’ tags=\’\’]
Don’t let graphics and design push your professionally crafted selling copy to the side. The most successful websites rake in sales by making sure their copy is front and center.

Make these simple changes and instead of 98% of your prospects abandoning your website with little to no chance of returning, you’ll get them to take some action, putting you one step closer to converting them to a paying customer.

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