With more offices using computers and going paperless, more and more files are stored in hard disks. Retrieving files at a later date is a challenge when we need to recall where the files are stored.
In this article, we look at 2 potential issues when files are piling up every day.
Issue #1: Storing & Sharing
Most users are familiar with My Documents folder. However, there will be a problem when more files are introduced to the folder. We will need to create sub-folders and add the files to the respective folder.
How about other staff need to access the files? They will need to know how to use folder sharing or a server to do so, not forgetting that they are familiar with the way their colleagues store the files and also password to their computer.
Issue #2: Backups
As the costs of storage such as external USB hard disks drops, it is much preferable to use such disks to perform backup compared to traditional backup tapes which are cumbersome to use.
However, users usually do not have a habit to backup the files on a daily basis. And if they backup, previous backup files are usually replaced with newer ones. لعبة الروليت This will be a problem when we need to restore an older file which was replaced with a newer backup copy.
Solution: ProLine E-Filing
ProLine includes a file management system that is easy to use without the need of technical know-how.
All users need to do is to know how to attach files to respective records, such as attaching files to a Customer or Sales Order record. ProLine support attachment for all business documents, which allows users to implement their paperless filing SOP easily.
Anyone can then login to ProLine, then open the required records and view its attachments. كيف تلعب بينجو This can be done on any desktop or notebook with ProLine installed.
With the Auto-Backup feature, all ProLine databases and files stored in the attachments will be backup automatically every day. لعبة الروليت في الكازينو All you need to do is to plug in the external USB disk to the computer.
Read the online documentation to learn more about Proline E-Filing.